In this blog i have decided to document the creation of a reef tank. I decided to first start off about my history in this hobby. Since i was a "Small Man" as we say in Trinidad I have been mesmerized by fish, fishing and basically fish keeping on the whole. I was so into fish i would collect "drain" fish (Poecilia reticulata) at the tender age of 5 and keep them. I would have to stop into every pet shop just to watch these magnificent creatures.
As i grew up i moved to Canada and here my fish keeping went into hiatus as i was constantly moving and fish keeping abroad was a bit different, instead i took any opportunity i got to go fishing in any lake or sometimes even canals. After 3 years i moved back to Trinidad where my obsession was rekindled by the availability of cheap fish, i was especially interested in Siamese fighting (Betta splendens) fish and even started to breed them. In Trinidad i also had an uncle who shared my affinity for fish keeping and all around me were ponds of Kois (Cyprinus carpio) and Platies (Xiphophorus variatus). Eventually this uncle moved to Miami and most of the pnds were left without fish.
Later on after getting a job and finally spending my own money i decided to get into Discus (Symphysodon spp.)
My 4ft Discus Tank
I had this tank for 2 years and then my job took me to a coral reef and the Environmentalist as well as the Aquarist was "enlightened". I started a fish only tank and soon keeping fish only tanks were unappealing and i required more to quell my obsession.
My 3ft (40Gallon) FOWLR
After getting married and also moving out I am now at the junction of purchasing my new house and moving in. My house is almost complete and apart from the excitement of moving in, i now have the excitement of planning and creating a reef tank. This is primarily what this blog will be about, hopefully I don't stray from the topic too much...
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